03 January 2013

Day 1 - 12/28

Technically the last post also took place on the 28th, but for the purpose of this, my day here didn't feel like it started until I could set down my bags and not have to haul them all over heck and back.

So...he opened the door to the insane stairs. I groaned because I wasn't sure my body could take much more, but I did it. They were actually a lot easier to climb than I'd imagined. When you can put your hand out on the step in front of you its really more like climbing a ladder than climbing a set of stairs.
Then I had a surreal moment...like Alice through the looking glass.  I've only ever seen these rooms from the other side of a computer camera...but now here I was seeing the layout and details that I've missed before. Its a lot bigger than I imagined. The french doors into the bedroom are sliding doors. There are doors in the bedroom that go onto the balcony (which also has a door to the kitchen). There are storage places above the doors to the bedroom....you get the idea.
So I explored the downstairs and at that point was just too tired to make the crazy climb upstairs (I have video of these, will be on the New Year's post), so we hung out for a bit.  I got the full tour of the apartment and while in the kitchen I giggled when Lars started showing me the cleaning supplies.  I then had to explain that it reminded me of the time I was starting a job as a housekeeper.
Lars needed to run to the store to get a few things and I wanted to go with him but at that point I was so exhausted that when he mentioned it I almost started crying.  I stayed here and he went out.  Some time later he woke me up.  I think I had about  a 30 minute nap.
For dinner he made a yummy chicken (this man knows how to cook), mashed potatoes and a carrot/pea combination that was absolutely delicious. Granted I helped with the veggies...learning his microwave was interesting.
After dinner I made the massive climb upstairs, which is 2 flights above his downstairs.  The view from the bedroom that is upstairs is amazing and is where I took the New Year's video that I will be posting very soon. The shower and washer/dryer is up there also.
When we came back down I took the bedding out of my suitcase that we bought for the new bed. Before we put it on I noticed the exceptionally dusty ceiling light above the bed and alerted him to the situation.  He was so helpful to mention that I knew where the cleaning supplies were kept.  (Brat!) When I tried a new approach of pointing out that I am quite short, he came back with the valid argument that I could gain access to the ceiling light by simply climbing on the bed and using his shoulder as support. My rebuttal regarding my sore knee was a waste of my breath...which ended with me climbing on the bed and cleaning a light fixture that he admitted he has never cleaned since he got here.  It took quite a few of his cleaning wet-wipes and it turns out that, to his surprise, the fixture is red and not brown like he had believed.

(just a little video of when I first arrived :) )

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